Saturday, August 22, 2009

Are You Concerned About Lack of Vitamin D?

Caring for your body isn’t just about what you slather on your skin. It’s about getting the proper vitamins, minerals and nutrition too. You want to protect yourself from the sun, but you want to get the benefits of vitamin D from sunlight. It sounds like a Catch 22, but it’s not one that can’t be easily remedied. In a recent survey by Neutrogena, they discovered that 32% of Americans are somewhat concerned that using sunblock will prevent them from getting enough of the essential vitamin D.
Some dietitians, doctors and other experts recommend intakes of up to 1,000 IU per day (that’s more than twice the previous recommendations.) Though I’m not saying you should skip the sunscreen and go bask in the glory of the summer sun. However, you should do what you can to increase your intake.
We all know about vitamin D enriched milk and cereals. And here are a few other foods that provide a good amount of vitamin D.
Cod liver oil
Sounds like a lot of fish, right?
So, you might need a little help from a vitamin supplement. If so, check out VIACTIV CACalcium soft chews.They provide 125% of the Daily Value of Vitamin D in each chew.
I actually started these about a year ago. They come in four yummy flavors (chocolate, milk chocolate, caramel and raspberry). You can find them in most drugstores for about $7-8 for a 60-count canister.
Do you take calcium and vitamin D supplements? Leave your comments here and let us know

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