Thursday, August 20, 2009

Advanced Combative Tactics (DVD)

Why? Because His Incredible New Discovery Is The Astonishing Scientific KEY To Easily Defeating Larger… More Aggressive Opponents… Even Multiple Attackers… Without ANY Fancy Kicks, Punches or Strikes!
This New Cutting-Edge "ACT" System Virtually Eliminates aralyzing Brain-Freeze… Allowing You to "Tap Into" Your Body's Own Brutal… Vicious… And Devastatingly-Effective "Natural" Fighting Instincts -- No Matter What Your Size or Skill Level! At first I didn't believe it either. A martial arts "lab geek" developing a devastating new scientific fight system. Natural. Easy-to-learn. No complex kicks or punches. Bypasses the part of the brain that causes "freeze-up". Sounded way too good to be true. And I can say that this ACT system is nothing short of astonishing. It's based on simple… "natural"… and easy-to-learn strategies already "hardwired" into the instincts of the human body. That's why it took a martial artist who studied biology in college to figure this out.

Here's just a taste of what you'll discover: A simple "visualization" secret that forces your brain from "victim" to "predator" mode. Use this trick to suddenly turn the tables on ANY attacker in seconds -- putting YOU in command. How speaking certain "action" words out loud will actually "trigger" your own brain to respond from shock to decisive action. Shannon gives you the key words that work best for complete elimination of "brain-freeze". Weird stuff -- but the results are nothing short of amazing. An easy "Internal Strike Count" that will focus your mind like a laser beam -- stopping you from committing the biggest mistake that even experience fighters make. A simple "under fire" drill that will bury Shannon's simple fight tricks deep into the "gross motor" parts your brain for instant recall under ANY conditions. The "10-second" rule and why it's critical that you use it in all confrontations -- no matter how innocent they first appear.

You'll discover secrets like: A "flinch-driven" cover trick to instantly protect you from a sucker punch. It's a simple twist on your own primitive reflexes -- and it really works! You won't forget this one! A simple "push-pull" action that effectively DOUBLES your striking power. Using this one secret — even "little guys" can deliver devastating knock-out blows. An easy "ballistic disengagement" -- perfect for buying extra time to add space… deal with multiple opponents… or simply plan an escape route. Your choice! Astonishingly effective "defensive blocks" for the most common strikes you'll encounter. You'll be absolutely untouchable and ready to counter attack. Why turning or backing away from a "haymaker" punch is the stupidest thing you could do. Follow Shannon's simple defensive rules and you'll quickly be able to deal with this -- and 99% of all other strikes. The secrets to striking from an "unattached" and "attached" position using devastating straight-line palm strikes, elbows, knees and foot stomps. Bam-bam… one, two, three… fights over… and you're the one walking away.

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